Directory of Parish Ministries, Organizations, and Volunteer Opportunities

“The Christian vocation is essentially a call to be a disciple of Jesus. Stewardship is a part of that. Even more to the point, however, Christians are called to be good stewards of the personal vocations they receive. Each of us must discern, accept, and live out joyfully and generously the commitments, responsibilities, and roles to which God calls him or her” To Be a Christian Steward – US Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship. In the words of St. Peter, “As each of one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:8-10).

Welcome to St. Albert the Great’s Directory of Activities and Organizations. There are numerous opportunities for you to respond to God’s call to faithful stewardship here at St. Albert the Great Parish! There’s something for everyone! Listed below are the various activities and organizations that comprise the life of life of our community. We will be adding various ministries, organizations, and volunteer opportunities to this page in the months ahead. If you find something of interest to you we encourage you to phone or email the contact person listed for more information about the organization or activity. In cases where details about the activity or organization are listed elsewhere on our parish website, we have created a hyperlink to the webpage on our site. Just click on the name for more information and details!

Safe Environment Policies

St. Albert the Great Parish adheres to the requirements established by the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program, a comprehensive child safety and child sexual abuse prevention program, which creates a network of prevention and protection for the children entrusted into the Archdiocese’s care. The various components of the program include:

  • Background Checks and Clearances for all Employees and Volunteers
  • Training Provided by the Archdiocesan Office for Child and Youth Protection
  • Awareness Programs for Children & Young People
  • Compliance Audits conducted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

For complete information on the Safe Environment Requirements for all parish employees and volunteers, visit our Safe Environment Page.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon at all Masses celebrated on Sundays, weekdays, and Holy Days. They also serve at weddings, funerals, Stations of the Cross and other devotions during the year. Servers are boys and girls between 5th and 12th grade. Senior men and women who are available to serve at Masses during the week are welcome to join the Ministry.

All servers are trained for their role and begin their service following an investiture at Mass. Servers are assigned to Sunday Mass once a month and Masses on Holy Days. Servers are asked to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to Mass to vest in an alb and prepare for Mass.

For more information contact: @ 215-947-3500

Breaking Open God’s Word

Breaking Open God’s Word is a weekly scripture study that focuses on the Sunday Scripture readings. We gather weekly to hear the readings proclaimed, and then discuss the readings. Discussion includes examining the historical and cultural context of the readings, and the meaning they have for our lives today. For the convenience of participants, the study is offered Wednesdays 9 – 10 AM in the rectory basement meeting room “D.”

For more information contact: @ 215-947-3641

Caring for Friends

The mission of Caring for Friends (formerly Aid for Friends) is to alleviate the hunger and loneliness of isolated home-bound individuals. Volunteers visit with client friends throughout the Greater Philadelphia region, providing home-cooked meals and life-enhancing friendship. All services are provided free of charge. Meals are prepared by volunteers, stored in freezers in church and then picked up and distributed by visitor volunteers in once weekly visits to their client friends. No experience is necessary and anyone is welcome to help. An hour of your time is all that is required.

For more information contact:

CCD Catechists and Aides

CCD Catechists and Classroom Aides work with children in grades 1 through 6 who attend our parish CCD Program. A traditional weekly option is held every Tuesday, from September through May, from 4:30 – 5:45 PM. A family catechesis option is held the 2nd Sunday of the month from 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM. Catechists and Classroom Aides positions are available for both options. Volunteers will have an opportunity to deepen their own knowledge of their faith, give witness to their own faith journey, and assist children in not only growing in knowledge of the faith, but more importantly growing in a life changing relationship with the Lord.

For More information contact: @ 215-947-3641

Charismatic Prayer Group

The Charismatic Prayer Group strives to foster a personal relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. The groups gathers on Wednesday
evenings at 7 PM in the church chapel as a community to give Jesus praise and honor while using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. All are welcome.

For more information contact: Linda Cavanaugh @ 215-990-7824

Church Linens

Church linens are cleaned weekly by volunteers who are scheduled every week to pick up the soiled linens on Monday and return them to the rectory by Friday. Anyone with an ironing board and washing machine can help. No experience is necessary.

For more information contact the Rectory @ 215-947-3500

Collection Tellers

Collection Counters count the weekly contributions of St. Albert the Great parishioners obtained during Sunday Mass. Volunteers are organized into six teams and assigned one Sunday a month from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Any adult member of St. Albert the Great Parish may participate in this ministry.

For more information contact: Florence Bosch @ 215-676-9842

Contemporary Music Group

The Contemporary Music Group plays at the 5 PM vigil Mass on the 2nd Saturday of the month and at the 12 PM Mass on the 4th Sunday of the month. The group welcomes all ages high school and up, and plays a variety of contemporary and traditional music for Mass using a variety of instruments. Practice is held Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM in church. If you play an instrument or sing and are interested in joining the group you are welcome to reach out to us via the contact information below.

For more information contact: @ 215-219-7868

Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts is for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade, and provides a program that instills values and skills that will last a lifetime. Most importantly, scouting is fun. As a member of St. Albert the Great’s Cub Scout Pack 802, you will learn by doing in both pack and den activities. The pack is divided into smaller groups called dens. Boys and girls are in separate dens, but participate in joint pack activities. Dens correspond to a specific age group, and represent the child’s rank in scouting. Our pack makes sure that each den has a good, trained and responsible adult leader, a place to meet, and exciting things to do. From camping trips and fishing, parish and community service activities, parades and events, visits to police and fire stations, and learning how to build things like birdhouses, toolboxes and pinewood derby cars, the Cub Scouts has something for everyone. Come out and join Pack 802. Adventure is waiting!

For more information contact: Pack 802 or visit our Website


The CYO, Catholic Youth Organization, is comprised of numerous sports, social, and spiritual events for grade school
youth. Sports include soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, and track for grade school students, and basketball for high school students.
Coaches are accredited through the archdiocesan Office for Catholic Education. Costs for participating in sports related activities
vary with the equipment and procedures involved for each sport. Registration for sports activities are announced in the parish bulletin and
through school and CCD communiques; children must meet certain eligibility requirements to participate in sports related activities.
Volunteer coaches are always welcome. The CYO also hosts dances for students in grade 7 and 8 among other social activities and adult chaperones are always needed.

For More information contact:

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are selected by the pastor and commissioned to serve a three year term administering communion to those gathered at Sunday Masses and Holy Days following a brief training. Some EMs bring the Blessed Sacrament to the ill, home-bound, to those in hospitals, nursing homes, and long term care facilities. Individuals must be fully initiated Catholics, uncompromised in their sacramental life and live in a manner that sets an example of Catholic faith and morals.

For more information contact: @ 215-947-3500

55 Plus Club

The 55 Plus Club is a social organization for the enjoyment of our senior citizens that has enjoyed existence at St. Albert the Great Parish for almost 40 years. Snacks, refreshments, and some luncheons are served. Bingo, card games, guest speakers, and special events are provided. Several wonderful trips are scheduled throughout the year as well. The group is open to all seniors 55 years or older and serves as an excellent venue to meet many parishioners and develop new friendships. Meetings are held on Tuesday afternoons from September through June in the auditorium. The meeting schedule is printed in the weekend announcements during the year.

For more information contact: Ken Hackman @ 215-601-9653

Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council uses the principles of cooperative involvement and consultation to assist the pastor in achieving the most responsible stewardship of the parish’s material goods and resources. The council assesses the adequacy of resources to meet the goals and plans approved by the pastor and plan for the long-range financial and physical needs of the parish. Members of the Finance Council must be active parishioners in good standing whose foremost priority is the development of a community of faith and who view their concern with finances in that context. The council consists of 5 to 11 members. Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the months of January, April, July and October at 7:30 PM.

For more information contact: @ 215-938-1557

First Sunday Coffee

On the first Sunday of each month from October through June, parishioners are invited to meet new friends and socialize over refreshments in the auditorium following the 10 AM Mass. Volunteers in this ministry help with setup and serving. No experience is required and the time commitment is approximately two hours three times each year.

For more information contact: @ 215-947-5617

Girl Scouts

Girls Scouting works to build courage, confidence, and character in girls while encouraging them to make the world a better place. All girls in grades K through 12 are eligible to participate. Volunteers in Girl Scouts work to introduce girls to new experiences that help them see that they are capable of more than they ever imagined. Volunteers can work directly with the girls as a troop leader, or behind the scenes helping out in an administrative way. You do not need to have a daughter in Girl Scouts to volunteer. Brownie Troops for the youngest age groups meet every other Friday after school. Junior and Cadette Troops meet every other Monday evening. Volunteers assist once per month or whenever they are able to do so.

For more information contact: @ 215-934-7749

Knights of Columbus

Founded on March 29, 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut, the Knights of
Columbus serves as a fraternal benefit society founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. The Knights render financial aid to members and their families and mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. Men 18 years of age and older may join the Knights via the contact person listed below.

For more information contact: Walt Donovan @ 267-303-3796


Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Mass and other liturgies during the year. Lectors also lead the Prayer of the Faithful in the absence of a deacon. Each lector strives to prepare carefully for his or her role in making God’s Word manifest during liturgies. Lectors require a good speaking voice, knowledge of how to use a microphone, the ability to make eye contact with the assembly while reading, and an ability to be able to pronounce biblical names and places. Above all, Lectors must possess an enthusiasm for God’s Word and the celebration of Mass. Volunteers are provided training prior to assuming the ministry and additional opportunities for enrichment are occasionally provided via workshops.

For more information contact: @ 215-947-3500

Men’s Ministry

Men ages 18 and up are invited to join other men on Saturday mornings from 7:00 to 8:30 AM for prayer, fellowship, and discussion on topics pertaining to men’s spirituality through the nationally renown program, That Man Is You Program. This incredible program delves into the roles of fatherhood, brotherhood, manhood, and being a husband, while providing men of all ages with an opportunity to grow in their discipleship with Christ Jesus and fostering their role as spiritual leaders for their families. The group meets weekly September through April with informal fellowship gatherings over the summer months.

For more information contact: @ 215-947-3641

Music Ministry

The parish choir is a vibrant part of our parish liturgical celebrations. As music ministers, Choir Members and Cantors participate in the Celebration of the Mass by praising God and proclaiming His Good News and Love in song, as well as encouraging and enhancing full, conscious, and active participation at Mass. The choir leads the assembly in song every Sunday during the 10:00 AM Mass. The choir rehearses every Thursday evening at 7:30 PM in Church. Reading music is helpful, but not required because choir members learn howto read music as they rehearse. Musicians are also a vital part of this ministry. If you play and instrument and would like to know how you can contribute to this exciting ministry see the contact information listed below.

For More information contact: @ 215-947-3500

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process that prepares adults and children over the age of 7 for reception into the
Catholic faith. A team of dedicated individuals are responsible for leading these candidates and catechumens through their journey to the
Easter Sacraments. Team members share their faith, present various topics of on the Catholic faith, and help those in the process to grow and
deepen their relationship with God so that they may experience the fullness of conversion with their reception into the Church.

For more information contact: @ 215-947-3500

Parents Association

The Parents’ Association is a supportive arm of the school, striving to foster spiritual growth, academic excellence, and moral integrity. The Parents’ Association provides organization in assisting the school and parish with meeting their financial responsibilities, publicizing newsworthy events, and fostering school and community spirit. The Executive Board meets monthly and the General Parents’ Association holds events throughout the year. The time commitment for the Executive Board varies with a minimum of attendance at monthly meetings and assistance in planned activities as needed. Parents’ Association members can participate in a variety of functions as needed.

For more information contact: Erin Privitera @ 215-947-2332

Parish Pastoral Council

This Council serves as an advisory group to the pastor. The purpose of the Pastoral Council is rooted in the Mission of the Parish and discernment into the opportunities and challenges to that Mission in light of present times. Once invited onto the council, each member serves for a three year term. At the discretion of the pastor, members may have their term extended by one additional three year period. Members of the Parish Pastoral Council are to be active parishioners in good standing, whose foremost priority is the development of a company of faith that fosters Stewardship, Fellowship, and Good Worship.

For more information contact: @ 215-947-3500


Pre-Cana is the official Catholic marriage preparation program, which should be completed at least six months prior to the wedding date. Options are available for in-person sessions as well as online.

For more information contact: @ 215-947-3500


A Pre-Jordan Class is required for all parents preparing for the baptism of their first child. A Pre-Jordan Class is required for all parents preparing for the baptism of a child. This class is held on the first Wednesday of every month. The class is held in the Rectory at 7 PM. Our hope is that this preparatory class will help parents to more fully understand the nature and purpose of the sacrament and the responsibility they are undertaking by having their child baptized. The class also allows parents to meet with other parents who will journey with them and their child, thus building up our parish and the Church.

For more information contact the Rectory Office @ 215-947-3500

Red Cross Blood Drive

The object of the annual Red Cross Blood Drive at St. Albert is to help provide blood to those in need throughout metropolitan Philadelphia. Over the last 22 years, parishioners from St. Albert have donated nearly 1200 pints of blood and saved over 3,500 lives! How can you help? Be sure to check the parish bulletin, as announcements about the drive are usually made 4 weeks in advance. Consider being a donor and encourage others to donate with you. Volunteers are always need to assist with the blood drive itself.

For more information contact: Laura Allen @ 215-938-1505

Respect Life Group

This ministry is dedicated to spreading and deepening the awareness of the value and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. This group takes an active role in praying and witnessing for an end to abortion and respect for human life in all its stages. The group participates in a Pro-Life Mass on the first Saturday of each month at Christ the King Parish followed by Rosary and Prayer Vigils outside of abortion clinics, the Forty Day for Life, Baby Bottle Project, Respect Life Sunday, Annual March for Life in Washington, DC, and fundraising for Our Lady’s House in Glenside and the Little Sisters of the Poor. The group also provides confidential resources for those in crisis pregnancy situations and those who have been hurt or affected by abortion. Members participate in events as their schedule allows.

For more information contact: Jeanne Campagna @ 267-800-3512

Sandwich Sunday

Following the 10 AM Mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month, volunteers gather in the parish hall to make sandwiches for St. Francis Inn. St.
Francis Inn provides these sandwiches to the homeless and needy in the Frankford section of Philadelphia. All are welcome to participate,
and you may participate whenever you are able.

For more information contact: Len & Sharon Cornwall @ 215-676-1209

School Voluteers

Those wishing to give of their time and talent to volunteer at St. Albert the Great School may do so by contacting the school at the number listed below. The various volunteer opportunities that are available are ideal for parents and retirees alike.

For more information contact the School Office @ 215-947-2332

St. John’s Hospice

Volunteers prepare a casserole once a month to help feed the hungry and homeless at St. John’s Hospice. Recipes and pans are available
at the church entrances. Freezer for storage is in the auditorium. All those willing to bring joy to the less fortunate can participate
in this minimal time-consuming ministry, but be prepared to get more out of it than you put into it!

For more information contact: Penny Sienkiewicz @ 215-676-5757


Ushers assist in a variety of ways during Mass, from helping people find seats when necessary, to taking up the collections, to helping to count Mass attendance. They also ask people to take up the gifts during Mass if no one is assigned and distribute the parish bulletin following Mass. Ushers arrive about 10-15 minutes prior to Mass and cheerfully greet all who enter with a warm smile and bright “hello” or “good morning.” Additional help is always welcome, especially during special Masses during Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter, and Holy Days of Obligation.

For more information contact: Florence Bosch @ 215-676-9842

Women’s Ministry

Throughout the year, our Women’s Ministry offers a variety of opportunities for the women of our parish community to develop and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ. In a spirit of friendship, this ministry welcomes all women at every stage of their faith journey. In a spirit of prayer, we seek to support each other as we encounter the beauty of the Catholic faith, grow in holiness, and understand the unique gifts of the “feminine genius” (Saint John Paul II, Letter to Women, June 29, 1995).

For More information contact: @ 215-947-3500