Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)
Canon Law, the law of the Church, states that "parents above others are obliged to form their children in the faith and practice of Christian life by word and example; godparents and those who take the place of parents are bound by an equivalent obligation" (Can. 774 §2). The General Directory for Catechesis and the National Directory for Catechesis resound the same sentiment. St. Albert the Great's Office for Religious Education recognizes and embraces parents in their role as the primary catechists of their children as they strive to fulfill this special role.
Our mission is to look upon each child as created in the image and likeness of God and as a reflection of God's infinite goodness. The challenge of being a living witness to the Gospel in today's ever changing world is central to the development of each student, family, and staff member. We work diligently to cultivate the hearts, minds, and souls of our students in order that they might reach their full potential and become effective witnesses to the Gospel and God's love for the world. Students are provided ample opportunities to live and experience their faith through sound catechesis, Christian service, worship, and fellowship.
The Office for Religious Education is committed to improving its programs so that we may better assist parents in providing their children with the fullest experience of living their Catholic heritage on their journey of faith and deepening their relationship with God.
Program Information
Our parish CCD Program runs September through May. We offer families two options from which to chose. These options assists parents in providing a sound foundation in the Catholic faith for their children and are currently for children attending public schools in grades 1 to 7.
Traditional Weekly Option
This option consists of a traditional weekly program that is held in the school building every Tuesday afternoon from 4:30 - 5:45 PM. Registrations are accepted May 1 through September 30.
Family Catechesis Option
This option consists of three components: Formation, Spiritual, & Acts of Mercy. As part of the Formation component, families gather on the second Sunday of the month in the parish hall following the 10 AM Mass. For a complete overivew of this option please click here.
To qualify for the Family Catechesis Option families must meet the following requirements:
- Attend Sunday Mass on a weekly basis
- Be a registered member of St. Albert the Great Parish for at least one year, or had children enrolled in St. Albert the Great weekly CCD Program for one full year
- Complete all registration forms and submit all required paperwork and fees at the time of registration, including a signed Family Commitment Form
- Have a reliable Internet connection for email and submission of e-Assessments
Sacramental Preparation Program
All baptized children from grade two and up who desire to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church with the reception of Eucharist and/or Confirmation are eligible for this program provided that they have successfully completed a minimum of two consecutive years of formation in the Catholic Faith. First Penance is celebrated in late February for children in grades 2 and up. First Eucharist is celebrated in early May for grades 2 and up. Confirmation is celebrated in the spring for children in grades 7 and up.
Enrollment in the CCD Program for a minimum of two consecutive years is required for children to begin sacramental preparation for Eucharist and or Confirmation.
Students with Special Needs
St. Albert the Great Parish embraces all of its children regardless of special need or disability. We will make every effort to accommodate participants with special needs and provide them with an inclusive environment in our programs. Parents of children who have special needs should contact the Director of Religious Education prior to registration so that we may ensure proper and adequate support is in place before classes begin.